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CFCA is a self-funded organisation and due to insufficiency of our financial resources, our work for the Lord is restricted and our response to the opportunities that are being presented to us will be limited.   


Our community needs a steady flow of monthly income to support our works and bring our mission into new heights and pursue the path of God’s call.  Vital to this is for each one of us to contribute regularly. 


CFCA encourages all members to be good stewards of God’s gifts. We encourage all members to give generously of their time, talent & treasure as we respond to God’s call in our lives. Many hands mean less work and we won’t have to rely on donations and contributions at specific time (Christmas, CLP donations, etc.) rather a regular and committed income stream enables us to further our mission and embrace future opportunities.


See our current FINANCIAL REPORT.

CFCA Adelaide Donation

This covers our operating cost in running our evangelisation and spirit renewal activities here in South Australia and our contribution to CFC Australia global mission. 


You can do a periodic direct transfer via internet or you can ask your bank to do this for you.


E.g Transfer $25 per month, say every 15th of the month, to the account below and put reference TITHE(SURNAME):


Account Name :  Couples for Christ Adelaide

BSB No:  082 133

Account No:  792588251

Woman holding a box of clothes for donation
Donation Center

Love in Action Donation

This supports our work with the poor programs and projects organised by our South Australia team.


You can do a periodic direct transfer via internet or you can ask your bank to do this for you.


E.g Transfer $25 per month, say every 15th of the month, to the account below and put reference TITHE(SURNAME):


Account Name :  Love in Action Incorporated

BSB No:  012 246

Account No:  431494102

Make a donation

This is your campaign description. It’s a great place to tell visitors what this campaign is about, connect with your donors and draw attention to your cause.


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